Friday, October 3, 2008

Better and better

Today I dropped Bree off at day care and was told she took 10 steps yesterday. That is the thing I miss the most about having to take her to a day care and not being home with her. I always wonder what I might miss. I know it is good for her to be with other kids and trust her teachers the way she does. This is the only other place I can leave her at where she won't be upset in the slightest. makes me sad to have to leave her. I find myself at work staring at her pictures or somehow something will happen that will remind me of a certain face she makes or something she says...and I miss those open-mouthed toddler kisses and all-enveloping hugs even more. I can't wait to get to day care and witness that big grin/half whimper when she sees me or burst through the front door to be greeted with a smile of pure joy. Although each day I swear I could not possibly love her a drop more, every morning the minute I see that cherub face, my heart floods with love.


Simplynia said...

Sometimes I almost feel overwhelmed by how much I love Noelle and it's nothing like waking up to her face in the morning. Bree is getting so big! I can't wait to hear that she's running!