Thursday, October 16, 2008

Allergist appt

Bobby and I took Aubree to see the allergist today. The dr took a brief history (along w/ all the paperwork I filled out) and said the fact that both Bob and I had allergies, Aubree has a 2 in 3 chance. So, the inevitable panel was done on her little back. After learning about our lives, he decided on 13 allergens. Typical ragweed, dust mites, dog, cat and several foods including cow's milk. She had a reaction to the dog, cat and cow's milk. The milk didn't surprise us, but the dog and cat did. He asked if our pets were family or pests - of course they're family to us. So, we were given several tips to help keep any reactions she may have down. The only reaction we've ever seen to a dog (apparently she had a stronger reaction to that than the cat) was at Bob's parent's house. We don't know if it was their labradoodles or his sister's pugs that had been over shortly before.

At any rate, the dr believes there is probably something else that Aubree is allergic to and wants to see her in 6 months. We were told if she has 3 episodes of hives or blotches before then to call. During any of those reactions, we have to write down a history of where we were, what we were doing and what she ate in the last 24 hrs. Wow!

Bob was a little miffed at the pet situation, but as I told him, we haven't seen her have any reaction at home. Of course we will keep an eye on Aubree and anything that seems to irritate her skin in some way.

Aubree did have a melt down towards the end of the appointment. She had been playing around the whole time, but after we had to hold her so the panel on her back didn't get anywhere else on her skin, she was mad. Being tired and hungry didn't help either. She screamed and cried for the last 20 minutes. Poor sweet pea!

Glad we got it all done least now we know.