We've been working on weaning Miss Aubree, but it has been a bit rough. Not so much in the fact that she demands to be nursed. Actually she is pretty content (for the most part) with nursing in the morning and at night. She sometimes likes to nurse at least once during the day, but seems pretty flexible. When we initially tried cow's milk, she gagged and refused any more. Then, it seemed as if she were choking...but she hadn't eaten anything, so there was nothing to choke on.
Since then we've tried mixing the cow's milk with breastmilk in a bottle to gradually get her used to it. She is now refusing bottles all together. Try a sippy cup?? Yeah, not so much. She refuses milk in those, too.
So, last night Bob had some chocolate milk with dinner (1% milk). I thought I'd give her a sip to see if she liked it that way. No way! She spit some of it out and gagged once again. Then the not so cute/funny part. She kept on like she was choking. I put some dinner on her high chair tray and she would put them eagerly into her mouth, chew, then promptly spit out. She seemed like she wanted to eat them, but wasn't for some reason. Hhmmm. As Bob and I ate our dinner, I kept a close eye on her and kept trying to offer her food and water, but she was having a hard time with it. I noticed around her mouth was blotchy, which this isn't anything new, so I wasn't immediately alarmed. Hhmmm...her neck looks red. When I lifted her head up to get a look at her chin, all underneath it was red and welted in spots. That's not good. I took her out of her high chair thinking if she sat on my lap, maybe she'd eat a little more. I noticed chocolate milk on her shirt and lifted up her shirt. Where the chocolate milk had been spilled, her skin was red. I called the after hours nurse and she suggested I call the dr in the morning and not to give her any milk.
Fast forward to this morning. I left a message for the nurses and one called me back within a half hour. That's pretty quick. She asked who had the baby right now. Okay, kind of freaked me out. When I told her she was at day care, she said they wanted to see her today to be sure everything looked okay. So, we went in at our 3:10 appt to see Dr Shamy. She looked her up and down and declared her a-okay. Her throat was a little red, but not swollen. She told me to get some Benadryl to keep on hand in case we need it, go with soy milk and we have to go see an allergist. She isn't sure if Aubree is allergic/sensitive to milk, but she would rather have an allergist check her out to be sure.
That's been our last day and a half! Oh, and I got some soy milk on the way home. So far, Aubree doesn't seem to be a fan. She had her trademark shudder and gag reaction. Ah, my girl.