Sunday, January 25, 2009

A precious gift

It occured to me today how lucky I am. I have a wonderful husband and not only were we blessed enough to find each other, we were given the gift of a child. After almost a year and a half of trying to conceive, to hear the news that I was pregnant...well, it was a shocking and exciting all at once. I didn't want to allow myself to believe it, yet it was true.

Although we experienced many months of frustration and tears trying to get pregnant, I wouldn't take back any of that back, knowing what God had in store for us. It is absolutely beyond any hope or dream I ever had.

And looking back now, I imagined our child would be beautiful. Not because Bob and I are beautiful people (of course I think he is), but because in our eyes, no matter what our child looked like, he or she would be perfect. I wasn't prepared for how absolutely in love I would be nor how stunning Aubree Summer really was. It goes to show that a parent's love surpasses any expectations they had before seeing their child for the first time. From the moment she was born, I couldn't help but stare into her angelic face. I don't think I'll ever tire of that.