Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A month older

17 months already. I don't know how this happened...but I don't like it. How could my girl be a month older before I've even blinked? While I'll admit, it is always entertaining to watch the antics...it doesn't mean I miss my teeny, tiny baby any less.

On another note, we think Aubree may very well grow out of her 12 month clothes afterall! I don't even remember how long she's been wearing 12 months, but it seems like forever. Come to think of it, she tends to stay in one size for months, so I guess this is nothing new. We realized though that her jeans are just touching the tops of her feet, so she may be out of these sooner than we thought. Well, I'd give it another month at least. She still has pants that are 12 months that she can't wear yet (they must run big). We can roll the legs up all we want, but when the waist doesn't fit, not a whole lot we can do there.

Her size 3 shoes still seem to fit pretty well. I should note though, that any of this could change tomorrow morning. She does like to be sneaky and grow on me every once in a while, so I'll have to keep a close eye. This little bug is full of surprises!