Monday, March 23, 2009

First haircut!

Today Aubree Summer had her first haircut. And when I say "first", I mean one her mama didn't attempt. Now don't freak out, I have only trimmed her bangs. Since birth this girlie's bangs have grown something fierce! I think I've had to trim them a few times by now. At any rate, I got tired of hearing certain people *ahem, Bob* say she had a mullet. So, since I was getting my haircut anyway, I asked Carolyn to take a look and maybe give Bree's hair some shape.

Carolyn didn't want to cut Aubree's hair at all. She said it was adorable as is. We did agree the bangs needed to be cut, so Aubree sat there like a big girl (on my lap of course) and let Carolyn trim it up. She was less than thrilled, but did a great job.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


All of the sudden Aubree is into making sounds and exaggerating her expression. It's hilarious! And I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty sure she was trying to make out with me today. She kept saying "whoa, whoa, whoa", so I was imitating her. It was so much fun to her. Next thing I know (we were sitting together on the couch), she was coming at me with her mouth open. The girl is never dull, I'll give her that!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

19 months

Where did the last month go? Our girl is busier than ever and keeping mommy and daddy on their toes. She is slowly learning to speak more, but at times chooses to whine and whimper. We're onto her though. She gets pretty mad at us some days, but we are asking her to use her words rather than whine and point. She's doing better at it though. Sure, there is a long way to go with her speech, but she is getting there. She's unbelievably smart....

Monday, February 23, 2009

18 month well check

Today was Aubree's 18 month well check. Our tiny girl weighed in at 20 lbs 12 oz (5th percentile) and 30 1/4" tall (20th percentile). Dr Shamy said although Bree's weight went down (she was only 20 lbs 2 oz at her 15 month exam), she wasn't worried since her height went up a bit. Overall Bree is a very healthy girl. Getting too big for my liking, but a smart, wonderful, amazing miracle nonetheless.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Our toddler

Today makes it official. 18 months old. I don't know when babies officially become toddlers, but our girlie has reached this point. It seems like only yesterday we were on our way to the hospital to finally have our little girl. Now Bree is running around, talking and getting smarter by the day. She is up to at least 20 signs at day care and understands so much of what is going on around her.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

When did this happen?

When did Aubree become a toddler? I guess it's my fault for always looking at her like she's still a baby, but it's so obvious she's not anymore. Playing in her room today, I saw a tiny little toddler. She must have grew when I blinked!
And I know everyone says this about their child, but I can't help but think she is stunning. I could kiss those tiny cheeks all day long. Too bad these days I have to catch her to even do that!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Each day

Our girl is growing faster each day. She's picking up words a little better, though she can't say them quite clear yet. I won't complain though because I know she is still young and she's almost too smart for our own good as it is! I don't think it's possible to go a day without her amazing me in some way. Aubree is very attentive and pays attention even when we don't realize she is. Gotta love her!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A precious gift

It occured to me today how lucky I am. I have a wonderful husband and not only were we blessed enough to find each other, we were given the gift of a child. After almost a year and a half of trying to conceive, to hear the news that I was pregnant...well, it was a shocking and exciting all at once. I didn't want to allow myself to believe it, yet it was true.

Although we experienced many months of frustration and tears trying to get pregnant, I wouldn't take back any of that back, knowing what God had in store for us. It is absolutely beyond any hope or dream I ever had.

And looking back now, I imagined our child would be beautiful. Not because Bob and I are beautiful people (of course I think he is), but because in our eyes, no matter what our child looked like, he or she would be perfect. I wasn't prepared for how absolutely in love I would be nor how stunning Aubree Summer really was. It goes to show that a parent's love surpasses any expectations they had before seeing their child for the first time. From the moment she was born, I couldn't help but stare into her angelic face. I don't think I'll ever tire of that.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A month older

17 months already. I don't know how this happened...but I don't like it. How could my girl be a month older before I've even blinked? While I'll admit, it is always entertaining to watch the doesn't mean I miss my teeny, tiny baby any less.

On another note, we think Aubree may very well grow out of her 12 month clothes afterall! I don't even remember how long she's been wearing 12 months, but it seems like forever. Come to think of it, she tends to stay in one size for months, so I guess this is nothing new. We realized though that her jeans are just touching the tops of her feet, so she may be out of these sooner than we thought. Well, I'd give it another month at least. She still has pants that are 12 months that she can't wear yet (they must run big). We can roll the legs up all we want, but when the waist doesn't fit, not a whole lot we can do there.

Her size 3 shoes still seem to fit pretty well. I should note though, that any of this could change tomorrow morning. She does like to be sneaky and grow on me every once in a while, so I'll have to keep a close eye. This little bug is full of surprises!